Investigation Update
9-1-1 Calls
Change in Policy
The New Hampshire Bureau of Emergency Communications has changed their retention policy with the respect to 9-1-1 calls. The Bureau is now retaining 9-1-1 calls for one year. Previously, the Bureau retained calls for only 180 days. 9-1-1 transcripts have proven to be invaluable in cases where liability is contested. Often a 9-1-1 call is made by an eyewitness to an accident who is not listed in the police report. In addition, sometimes the plaintiff calls 9-1-1 and the substance of those calls can be invaluable. To make sure the 9-1-1 calls are saved you should send a letter to:
State of New Hampshire
Attn: John Latson
Bureau of Emergency Communications
110 Smokey Bear Blvd
Concord, NH 0330
Your letter should provide as much information as possible, including the date, time, and location o the
accident. Please let us know if we can help you obtain 9-1-1 transcripts and recordings. A subpoena, under most circumstances, is required.
Call Larry Getman if you have any questions or need assistance at 603-634-4300 or
Please feel free to contact Larry Getman at (603) 634-4300, extension 703 with anyquestions about this change in policy.